Prevention of varicose veins: how to do it right, the testimony of and apparatus for television

Varicose veins can affect not only the veins on the legs – similar changes are possible in veins:

Varicose veins
  • the esophagus and the stomach;
  • the pelvis in women;
  • the left seed of the umbilical cord and testicles in men.

But the reasons why the development of all these varieties of varicose veins completely different. So prevention is dramatically different.

This article covered only the activities, in order to avoid the most scintillating view of the varicose veins loss of the lower extremities. In addition to this, that it takes 70% of the overall structure of the incidence, but only of its prevention is really effective.

A comprehensive approach to the prevention of the development of varicose disease of the feet means:

  • To decide whether a prophylaxis – indications
  • Pay attention to the shoes
  • Find the right job
  • Be active, but remember about the rest
  • Normalize weight and correctly eat
  • Said "no" to harmful habits
  • Do not be lazy, to do the unloading of the flexible
  • The way the water table, put them in drainage foot massage
  • Wear compression knitwear
  • Sometimes you need medication
  • Forecast prevention

Prevention of any disease, including varicose veins leg veins, somehow easier compared to treatment. But if to deal with it correctly and to its full extent, it is possible or not at all to prevent disease emergence or to avoid serious consequences.

Only the visa of the work itself can give the maximum effect. Especially this rule applies to people who are at high risk of developing varicose veins varicose veins on the legs. This disease prevention should be to them an integral part of lifestyle, a kind of day-to-day a pleasant habit. Because, in fact, nothing complicated in this no.

In all matters concerning the varicose veins to prevent the disease in the lower extremities, contact a vascular surgeon or phlebologist.

To decide whether a prophylaxis – indications


The main groups at risk the development of varicose veins leg veins, the need for specific prevention, there are such people:

  • Who have a hereditary predisposition – close relatives of this pathology.
  • Women, sick of dishormonal disorders of the ovaries.
  • Pregnant and given birth.
  • Face, it is associated with hard physical work, lasting who is stationary in an upright or seated position (especially a profession and a sedentary lifestyle).
  • Fans to walk in high heels, take a hot bath, sauna, spicy food and alcoholic beverages.
  • Persons, which is characteristic of the ˮvenarumˮ complaints: swelling, of the legs in the region of the ankles in the evening, cramps and pain in the calf muscles, heaviness in the legs, enhanced venous figure, the enlarged mesh.

The most important factors is the risk of varicose diseases – hereditary predisposition, pregnancy and dishormonal violations in women. All other assumptions independently are not able to cause disease, but stratifying the basic, accelerate the emergence of and weight within.

Pay attention to the shoes

The question is the choice of the correct shoe to a greater extent women, but also men for it is also important. Optimal is considered to be such shoes:

  • handy and convenient (not pressed to the foot and leg, but not too free);
  • there should be high fine heels – best is 4-5 cm;
  • use insoles-tallatoed;
  • no need to constantly walk in the shoes of flat sole.

Find the right job

The issue of shift work is not always easy to decide, even when it comes to good health. But if the risk of varicose veins varicose veins on the legs are too big or are experiencing the initial signs of disease, it is best to stick to such preventative recommendations:

  • To avoid or minimize the hard work, which is related to the physical load of the abdominal wall and the lower part.
  • Not very a lot of time constantly (more than 2-3 hours) through the stationary in an upright or sitting position.
  • Contraindicated activities, weight training and other power sports.

The main rule of working conditions must be such that the blood is in the legs does not stagnate and did not exert excessive pressure on the walls of the veins. Most venous stagnation expressed, if the feet are placed in the vertical feet down, and the muscles of the lower leg is fixed (if the person is standing or sitting in one position).

Be active, but remember about the rest


Physical activity (sedentary) – promotes varicose vein disease in the legs. So it is necessary to combat:

  • tea in the morning loading;
  • do not be lazy to walk – take a walk in the fresh air;
  • doing a workout or sports-related exercises, to the shins and stop (walking, running, swimming, cycling, aerobics).

But too wide-ranging activity is not worth it. Don't forget the rest – get to sleep about 8 hours per day, alternate periods of activity with periods of peace. The muscles of the rear surface of the lower leg play a role in the pump, which promotes the blood in the veins in the opposite direction applies to the degree of difficulty (from the bottom up). The load, which they feel, is very large. The deal can be only the muscles, which is to restore the energy reserves after a busy day.

Normalize weight and correctly eat

Lower limbs obese people experience higher loads. Thus, the weight reduction – it is the prevention of varicose veins, reducing daily tension varicose veins on the legs. To this end, various methods can be used, but be sure to stick to as food recommendations:

  • Limit fatty foods of animal origin (pork, duck, fatty sour cream, egg) and over the digestible carbohydrates (pone, white bread, muffins, crumpets, cakes).
  • Discard the spices and spicy food.
  • Eat moderate amounts of fluids and minimize salt.
  • Rich food plant food: vegetables, fruits, oils (flax, olive, sunflower).

Said "no" to harmful habits

The most common is bad habits – cigarette smoking and alcohol abuse – itself does not cause varicose veins veins, but with the other factors they contribute to its emergence and progression. So that people in risk groups should be waived. Do it yourself is not easy. If necessary, contact a doctor-according to experts in narcology.

Do not be lazy, to do the unloading of the flexible

Any activity people who have the prerequisites for the varicose extended veins on the legs, to be connected with periods off. All you have to do 5-10 minutes of enforced simple exercises for your feet at least 1-2 times during the working day and definitely in the evening after its expiration. You do not need a separate cabinet or special conditions.

Most of the exercises relief flexible can perform directly in the workplace:

  • Sitting position do 10-20 flexor to extensor movements alternately for each foot, so that the muscles of the rear group of leg maximum decreased and relax.
  • If you long been sitting, get up and go, all the best up the stairs. Can move also on a level terrain, imitating walking up the stairs – filling step, a step with an order to the muscles of the lower leg of the well has decreased and relax.
  • Standing located on the fingers, then in this position for a few seconds going to heels. Do this activity first with both feet at the same time (a few times) and then alternately with each foot, so that, if the best rises to the sock, the left was the heel, and vice versa.
  • If there is a way, sit or lie and place the feet some kind of foothold, that they are present in the situation higher than the pelvis (for example, trouble in the feet back to their chair, the desk, the wall).

Unloading flexible, the purpose of which is to prevent varicose veins, the legs, really basic and is very effective. All that is needed – do not be lazy to do these exercises.

The way the water table, put them in drainage foot massage

Treatment of varicose veins

Meaning haurientes massage on the feet – to improve the blood outflow is the superficial and deep veins. Doing it for themselves, even in the evening after the day's work, and if it is possible, then its over.

The elementary receptions haurientes self-massage:

  • Sit down, put foot on foot level surface on which to sit, so he was slightly bent, where the knee joint (less than 90).
  • The rubbing movements massage the skin and muscle in the direction of the fingers of the foot at the genu iuncturam the entire circumference.
  • Grasp the foot with both hands so that the thumbs were located in aux, all the rest – the plantar surface.
  • Squeeze the segment, which bow the fingers, and gradually move them up in the course of the leg by the genu iuncturam. The transition to the new plot smoothly squeeze it for a few seconds, then relax your hands and move them over.
  • Grasp your fingers brush the lateral surfaces of the heel. Squeeze the fabric with your fingers for a few seconds, relaxing your fingers, then move them to the side from the Achilles tendon and gastrocnemius muscle in the direction of the tribe.
  • Pat legs with both hands in the direction from the bottom up.

The overall duration is haurientes self-massage is about 10 minutes. After that it is advisable to do exercise ˮbirchˮ (3 to 5 minutes to place your feet as high as possible, and the best stand up to heels up).

Wear compression knitwear

Special products, which are made of compression knitwear best to strengthen weakened or varicose changes in veins of the feet, as well as do not allow their expansion. This method of prevention the better, the more you use individually selected packing piece. Wear it every day before getting up in bed besides sleep. After working as the load on the feet is less, the dishes need to be taken away.

What to look for when choosing compression fabrics:

  • It must be convenient for everyday use. Modern products meet all the requirements – they are the thin type nylon tights), evenly and is a good squeeze fabric, elegant appearance and durable. Best buy the work of this type, when the normal elastic bandages or crassus knitwear.
  • Select the desired product. It may be pantyhose, stockings and knee-length.
  • Note the class of compression – force, with whom the cast compresses the fabric. Prevention may be the use of special prophylaxis cast (null class packing) or treatment, but only for the first compression class.

Sometimes you need medication


Treatment-the prophylaxis of varicose veins is depicted in the persons of a group is at high risk (who have a lot of expected to expand with the varicose veins on the legs) or which have the feature of "venous manifestations" (these are described in the section "Decide whether prophylaxis – indication").

Remember: ointments and gels provide fast, but short-term effect, but the pills are starting to operate slowly, but steadily. Thus, the local medication may be used every day and medications internal-acceptance in the form of preventive courses 2 times a year lasts about a month.

Forecast prevention

The table reflects the forecast of the potential effectiveness of the prevention of the development of varicose veins varicose veins on the feet for the risk of the occurrence of the disease.

Predisposition to varicose veins The percentage of sick, if complete prevention That is without the nutritious prevention
Low Less than 5% – mild varicose veins Get sick 95%: mild form – 45%, moderate – 50%
Moderate 30%: these are lighter forms – 20%, medium heavy – 10% Ill agree 99%: average degree of difficulty – 65%, expressed – 34%
High 50%: medium-sized and lightweight form – 40%, difficult – 10% All suffer: the average severity – 60%, hard period – 40%

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